Thursday, June 21, 2012

What's holding you down????

How many times do we think over all the weaknesses that we have and finally come to the conclusion, it is because of so and so in the past? Mostly it is the childhood, the environment that we were brought up in, our parents. And in many cases its more of blaming, mostly our parents. Why were they like that, why didn't they give us the love, support, appreciation, confidence? Why were they critical? If they would have given the support, love, etc. our life would have been better. It could be others too actually when it gets to complaining or blaming we come up with thousands of things from our friends, school, college to the country and the government.

I have to admit I was one of that. In fact I once talked to a counsellor regarding that too. It was regarding my parents and she said that just forgive your parents for whatever they were not able to give you because all parents cannot give everything. Well it worked for me to some extent, I mean I was not mad at them anymore but then the thought still stayed at the back of my mind that I am, unconfident or timid or slow or whatever because of them, it may be the genes too I thought. I let go of the anger but couldnt let go of the weakness which was more important.

I was sick and tired of not being confident or, with no good health or all the weaknesses that I have. Which finally gave me the answer to let go. I had mentioned this one before "If you want to fly, you have got to let go of the shit that holds you down." This was more of a trap where i was stuck which wasnt allowing me to fly. And I came up with an affirmation, " My present and future life is completely unaffected by my past" it could be wrong I mean, the truth may be that past does affect my present and the future but I want my subconscious to live in this lie. Because this lie will allow me to live me life all new each day without any regrets or without thinking what if I could have got this or done this. Without any blame to anyone, and looking at problems only in present tense and finding solutions, with whatever strenghts I have. Develeping all  the stengths that I want to have without thinking about why I didnt have them in the first place. This has really allowed me to to be free from the trap and take each day as it comes with new perspective.

If you too want to let yourself free from this trap try repeating the above affirmation everyday to yourself. Program your subconscious the way you want your present and future to be. Take your life and your mind in your hands. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Secrets of a millionaire mind

I Just saw 6 part video of T. Harv Eker's Secrets of a Millionaire mind.

It was really amazing. I just realised in how many ways I was thinking wrongly about wealth, not just wealth but success as a whole. What he said made complete sense, meaning wanting to be rich not always means you are greedy. It is what we are meant to be. Like one of the other motivational speakers, Bob Proctor said, "You were born rich", but forgot along the way that we are and started wasting our time in this limited mentality. Anyways, you are not alone. And it can be changed anytime. One of the steps is to watch the video and try following the steps mentioned. It is really motivating. Just try it.