Friday, July 13, 2012


Not everyone can become a great artist; but a great artist *can* come from *anywhere*.
This was the dialogue Ego says at the end of the movie Ratatouille. This is something we need to remind ourselves at times.

Many a times, we start doubting ourselves, can I do it. Am I good enough? Am I talented enough? 
That person is more educated than me, or more blessed than me. If he cant do it how can I?

Just remind yourself of the above mentioned dialogue. Not everyone can be great. So that person, in spite of his blessings and advantages over you, may be couldn't be great. But that doesn't stop you from being great. A great artist can come from anywhere. Even a rat (it was just in an animated movie, still a good metaphor) can be a good chef. If you think you cant do it, may be you are wrong. May be you do have it in you to be great. Give it a chance. If you are not you'll come to know. And if you are, well you wont regret not trying.