There is no need to introduce the legendary Micheal Jackson to you. I believe in terms of music he is most amazing person who ever existed. Its like he casts a magic spell when we listen to his songs. At least thats the case with me.
I am not going to discuss his personal life at all. Its just too messed up as it is. I just want to discuss Micheal Jackson - the performer. And what a performer he was. Greatness in action.
When I was a kid, I didn't understand a word what he sang. I didn't understand music as such, let alone western music. But I still remember watching his videos of Black or White, Remember the time, and my favorite back then was Will you be there, because it was from the Free Willy soundtrack and I liked that movie, and specially waited till the end to watch that song.
When I was a teenager, we had this collection of english songs which I got from my cousin. That was a very very rough time of my life and I remember listening to his songs which helped me deal with those rough days. I especially liked They don't care about us. Well in a way, it helped me to release my frustration.
When I grew up I had completely forgotten about him when suddenly we heard news about his death. All of the sudden, Micheal Jackson was the only name on everyone's lips. It was like all of a sudden everyone remembered him and his songs. Well that was a case with me too, to be honest. I started collecting more and more songs of him, and the more I listened to them, the more I got addicted to him. I suddenly realized his music was like no one else, because by that time I had listened to a lot of music. His music was like anyone could connect to it, wasn't a particular genre or something, just good songs.
I started collecting his videos too, and was mesmerized with his stage performances, marveled more on the audience reactions to it. And I thought there is something in this guy, really which is different from others. This thin frail looking guy can get the attention of the entire world, what was it?
It was the charisma, it was his stage presence, it was the kind of energy he poured into every performance which very few performers do. When we see others performing, it feels as if they are doing it just for the money but when he does it, he does it for the performance itself. It is quite obvious because as you know, in every performance, he tried to do something more extravagant than its earlier one.
Then I saw the movie This is it. And I could see in it how much perfection he sought for in each and every song. From the tempo, to a single beat, to a single dance move, every thing he wanted to be perfect. Thats the way we ought to do our work right. I am not saying everyone to be a pop star. But whatever we love to do, we must do with the same amount of dedication. Right?
And behind the perfection in his performance, there isn't any luck or God's gift, but a tremendous amount of hard work. His personal life was messed up, as you know. But still his passion for his work never faded because of it. And as you know, at the age of 50 too, a frail, thin, weak man was going to do such a huge performance all over the world.
Do we have that passion for our work? Can we for once, just forget about our messed up personal lives, I am sure it isn't as messed up as his, and just concentrate on doing great work. Or are we still giving excuses that so and so things in my life is not ok. If we could do that I am sure we could get such a great success, fame and everything we wish for.
People don't become great due to their work, but they become great due to their dedication, will power and attitude towards their work, which obviously lead them towards doing such great work. Are we willing to have such dedication towards our work like Micheal Jackson???