Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Back to Nature... Back to Yourself....

A rose from my rose plant photographed by me.

Hello Everyone,

I wish you a very Happy Winter, Merry Christmas...

Christmas is always been very cheerful to me. Holidays, winter, sitting at home eating warm home cooked food and watching Christmas movies all day with family. Unfortunately I am married now and live in another city so can't do so. But even the memories of it makes me cheerful and warm.

In India, especially where I stay, there is nothing much in Christmas except someone dressing up like Santa comes to distribute chocolates. But I would love to visit some place where Christmas is celebrated properly and want to experience it once.

But my today's topic is different from Christmas, or festivals or holidays. Its about being in touch with your true self. Who am I?

Does that question ever come to your mind? Who am I? Am I really someone who is this person who runs behind achievement, success, maintaining relations, etc.? If so, why am I not comfortable or happy doing so? If this is not me, who am I exactly?

Trust me I am not suggesting that achievements in life are not important. But is that life is all about? Look around yourself and not with the same view of achievement and competition. Look around nature. Look at flowers and leaves and plants. They are so beautiful. They do their job of growing and withering and again growing so effortlessly. So why do we have to fill our life with so much effort, pressures, anxieties, etc.

The things which have to be done in your life will happen at their time. Yes we have to do our efforts and work but not with stress and pressure. And at times go into nature, it is really a good way to get in touch with your real inner self and reflect on what we actually want from life and how we have to achieve it. Take out time to do what makes you feel good, gardening, cooking, photography, etc. which helps you enjoy and be at peace. They are as important as the other things in life. Make time for yourself. Just 'Be' at times instead of 'Doing' all the time.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Rising Depression in Women - 2

As a continuation of my earlier post I would like to present to you another technique.

Much of our emotional turmoil is due to holding on to past and hurt from the past. It forms blockages in the natural flow of energy. To heal these blockages follow the below technique.

Sit or lie down comfortably. Make yourself as comfortable as possible. Breath deeply. Start from your head and imagine a white light coming from above, from God and reaching the top of your head. It enters your body and  your head, eyebrows, nose, mouth jaw feels loose and relaxed. The light travels further down. Your throat, chest, shoulders, arms, stomach feel relaxed. Let go of any tension. It travels further down to your thighs, knees, feet, ankles everything is relaxed and feels light. Your entire body is filled with white light and it feels light as a feather.

Imagine you are rising from your seat above rising, rising, light as a feather. You are rising up, up you can see your seat below you. Then your home. Then your city. You are rising up, up now you are in the clouds. You still travel up and now you are in space. You still travel up and now you enter a space completely filled with the same white light which filed your body earlier. Angels are floating in those space, beautiful, smiling. They welcome you, greet you. Then God comes in front of you. He is bright shining, powerful, filled with white light. God comes and takes you in his arms. You feel soo blissful, relaxed, peaceful you have never ever felt this way before. You feel secure, comfortable. You are in the arms of the most powerful God who is your supreme parent and you feel as comforted as you felt in the arms of your mother, but many times more than that.

Then God takes your hand and takes you to a peak of a mountain. You feel you are on top of the world peaceful, quiet, close to nature. He takes you further to a cave. There is a big wooden door in the cave. You push the door you cannot open it though. You look at God. He smiles and gives a gentle push to the door and it opens up. He takes you inside and there is an auditorium. There are seats on the both sides of the aisle.

You enter inside and you see few people inside. You come closer and you see that these are the people you know. On your right side there are people who have hurt you in the past. And on the left side there are people who have been hurt by you in the past. You first go to the right, You meet everyone one by one and you tell them whatever happened before I forgive you. I let go of my hurt. You hug each one of them one by one. You feel deep in your heart all the hurt is melting as you hug each one of them. You feel burden reducing from your heart and your feel lighter and lighter. Tears roll down your cheek as you feel your hurt melt away. You feel clear inside.

Now you go to the left side and again one by one you ask for forgiveness from them for whatever you had done to them. They smile and forgive you. You hug each one of them. You feel even more light and clear in your heart now. Tears roll down more and with those tears, all the burdens in your heart melt away.

Now you bid farewell from them and leave that auditorium  and then the cave with God. God takes you again to the peak of the mountain. He tells you to come here often to clear out any burdens in your heart. Then he gives you the most beautiful smile and you see you are flying away from God. He says I will always be there when you need me. You feel you are drifting away more and more and again you are in the clouds. Now you see yourself descending back to earth. You see your city below you and as you descend more you see your house, your seat and now again you are back to where you were sitting before. Now slowly open your eyes. As you open your eyes you feel you are completely different, more clear, relaxed, peaceful and happy.

Do this exercise at least once a day in the start. Once you feel more and more clear inside you may then do it once every 2-3 days, then a week. We need to let go of the unnecessary burdens we keep inside so as to allow free flow of energy in our consciousness. This is the first step in transforming yourself.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Rising Depression In Women!!!!

Hello all,

I know I am writing after a long time. My priorities were different. But let me assure you before that, what I am now is a completely different person than before.

I want to discuss what I have seen very often, recently in my closed friends and relatives. Rising trend of low self esteem, confidence and depression. It hurts to see my loved ones in such an emotional pain. And all of them are women, lovely smart, talented ones. Which led me to think what is the cause behind all this.

I had the privilege of discussing life with smartest of people I know who are very successful career wise as well as spiritually. I really thank God for sending them into my life.

The discussions led me to the cause of rising depression in my loved ones which include me also. And the reason is lack of male qualities.

Basically, men and women have their strengths and their weaknesses.
The qualities which are prominently strong in women are:
1) Gentleness
2) Empathy
3) Sensitivity
4) Tolerance

Whereas the qualities which are prominently strong in men are:
1) Courage
2) Independence
3) Assertiveness
4) Confidence

With the changing roles of men and women it has become necessary for both of them to possess the qualities of opposite sex also. I believe in a complete family where there is a mother and father and they both possess these qualities in perfection, the child will be a complete person with both masculine and feminine qualities which will help him/her to confront life and its challenges with ease.

Unfortunately very few families today are normal. Either male lack in male qualities and vice-versa. In many cases there is single parenthood exposing the child to only one aspect of qualities.

Whatever the reason may be, but me, myself being a woman have observed that male qualities are lacking in my loved ones which leads them to low self confidence, depression, etc. This is the end of causes now let's concentrate on the solution.

We have to put in new programming in the subconscious mind. Women's mind is naturally programmed with female qualities but they need to be programmed with the male ones too. The best way to do so is:

"Get a place where you are alone (and which is preferably sound proof). Write down all the things you WANT in you. For Eg. I am a most successful woman ever, I am the happiest woman in the world. Always write in superlative degree. Happiest, Luckiest, Most successful. Make sure your sentences are short enough that you can remember easily. Remember the subconscious is unable to understand long sentences. And don't use 'not' in your sentences. For eg. Instead of "I am not scared anymore", use "I am the bravest and the most courageous person." Now comes the fun part.

Stand up spine straight and shout out all these sentences with joy. Make fists and say, "Yes!!!!! I am the most successful woman in the world!!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!" Literally jump with joy while saying these. Repeat at least 10 times at a time.You may need to do this at least 10 times a day.

There are times you cannot get that privacy. Still you can do this. If you are in an office go to the washroom and just say these things in your mind and jump with joy in your mind. There should be JOY all along.

This might sound childish or you may think you are lying to yourself. But the opposite is true.You lied to yourself when you said your were not good enough, you were worthless, etc. This is the truth and you are removing the wrong programming and recording correct one over it.

I present this to you as a first aid to your depression. If your depression is deep and prolonged you may need to consult a psychiatrist and get medicines too. But I don't want other people to continue suffering like my loved ones. Be Happy and Enjoy Life Its Awesome!!!! I will be posting more such techniques in my further posts.